ASEAN Networking Symposium on the Implementation of the Complementarities Roadmap in Support of COVID-19 Recovery 7 September 2022

ASEAN Networking Symposium on the Implementation of the Complementarities Roadmap in Support of COVID-19 Recovery 7 September 2022

The event was co-organized by ACSDSD together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Thailand, the ASEAN Secretariat, ESCAP, and the Asia Foundation. The event receives generous financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. To provide a platform for relevant ASEAN Sectoral Bodies, centers, and institutes to network and enhance collaboration on their efforts to promote sustainable development, particularly in the context of COVID-19 recovery. This exercise will contribute inputs to ASEAN in developing key priorities and setting its agenda for discussing and pursuing sustainable development cooperation among themselves and with external partners.